Kenilworth History & Archaeology Society – January 2018 Newsletter
KHAS Affairs
Data Protection
In order to comply with the latest legislation, the Society is required to keep records of members’ explicit consent to hold information about them and to use these details to communicate with them. All members are therefore being asked to complete and return a Declaration Form, which will be available at this and future meetings as well as on the website.
Last Month: Hopefully all those at the last meeting have recovered from that and everything else that they have been celebrating since! The weather may have been against us, but the brave (or is it ‘foolhardy’) survived and enjoyed it all.
This month: Our own Margaret Kane is telling us about some interesting archæology she came across on a recent visit to the USA . Just east of St Louis in Illinois are The Cahokia Mounds, an ancient metropolis dating from c.900AD. Not heard of them – you know London, think bigger, think Cahokia!
AGM – February 12th 7.30 for 7.45
There are forms available tonight for nominations to the Committee at the AGM. All members of the present Committee are willing to stand again. Amendments to the Constitution, last revised in September 1990, will be proposed, mainly in order to establish the position of Webmaster as an Officer of the Society, but also to include email as a means of communication and to correct the date of the AGM to reflect current practice. These amendments require the approval of members at the AGM and it is necessary for members to receive at least 14 days notice of the proposed changes. A copy of the proposed revisions is available with this Newsletter.
After the AGM: Val Whiteman will explain why last year’s interpretation of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight has problems.
…and in March: John Ruddick will speak on Coventry Charterhouse: Past, Present & Future
News of what other societies are up to follows ……….
- Kenilworth Family History Society: Wednesday,10 Jan. 7.30pm Sue Tall – Warwickshire at War. Senior Citizens’ Club, Abbey End, Kenilworth, CV8 1QJ Nonmembers welcome. Contact 511969
- Warwickshire Geological Conservation Group: Wednesday 17th January 7.30pm Jordan Bestwick (Univ. of Leicester, recipient of WGCG Bursary) – Pterosaurs, teeth and a fossil festival (a tale of his outreach work at the Scarborough Fossil Festival). St Francis’ Church Hall, Warwick Road, CV8 1HL
- Kineton Local History Group: Friday 19th January7.30pm Stephen Wass – Hanwell Castle and the Jacobean Water Gardens Kineton Village Hall • Warwickshire Local History Society: Tuesday 20th February 8 pm preceded by coffee at 7.30 pm. Dr Richard Churchley – Old pubs and lost hostelries of Warwickshire – their history, names and stories. Quaker Meeting House, High Street, Warwick, CV34 4AX
- CADAS: Tuesday 9th January 7.30pm Dr John Hunt (Birmingham University) – Parish Churches & Mediaeval Society in the West Midlands Friends Meeting House, Hill Street, Coventry
- Lapworth Local History Group: Tues 30th January 7.45pm Jill Kashi – The Wandering Butler and the Little Maids: Servant life at Baddesley Clinton 1870-1923 7 Lapworth Village Hall, Old Warwick Road (Kingswood), Lapworth B94 6LD. (This is halfway between the Navigation Inn and the Boot Inn for anyone who might get lost looking)
Two other documents, which were available at the meeting, are attached below. First of all, the revised KHAS Constitution (to be proposed for adoption at the AGM next month):
Second, the Member’s Details Declaration Form which we are required to introduce under the General Data Protection Regulation.
I also attach a flyer relating to the Kenilworth Community in Action event, to be held on February 10th 2018, at which KHAS expects to have a display.
Contacts: Chairman – 01676 532654; Secretary – 01926 858670; Treasurer – 01926 852655; Editor: 01926-257250 Website