March 2018 Newsletter
KHAS Affairs
Last Month: We held the Society’s AGM at which a revised Constitution was adopted and the Committee was re-elected, with Chris Blunt now occupying the office of Webmaster. Following the AGM, Val Whiteman’s talk provided detailed background to “Sir Gawain and the Green Knight”, illustrating that authorship by Kenilworth’s John Strecche was very unlikely.
This evening: John Ruddick will speak on Coventry Charterhouse: Past, Present & Future. Of the original 10 Carthusian monasteries in England Coventry is one of only two substantially extant, the other being Mount Grace Priory in N. Yorkshire. With Coventry winning the contest for the title of ‘City of Culture 2021’ the prospect of a new life for the city’s neglected Charterhouse seems to be much rosier.
Data Protection: ALL MEMBERS, even those without e-mail or sharing an address with a partner, are asked to submit their GDPR form when renewing their subscription. (Without this the Society will not be allowed to continue to hold your name and address on its list of members!)
…and in April: Dr David Symons will take us behind the scenes of one of the most stunning archaeological finds in the Midlands in recent times – the Staffordshire Hoard. Dr Symonds, who works at BMAG, has been workingsolely on the hoard since 2009.
Can you help with ‘Lost Shops’?
One of our members, Nick Green, has started a project on Kenilworth’s Lost Shops. If you have any photos of old (or newer) shops that have been lost from the town he would be most grateful to receive them as donations or as loans. They can be sent to his email address at or he will arrange to pick up “Old Fashioned” photos for scanning.
- Kenilworth Family History Society: Wednesday 14th March 7.30pm Anne Langley – Warwickshire Almshouses Senior Citizens’ Club, Abbey End, Kenilworth, CV8 1QJ Nonmembers welcome. Contact 511969
- Warwickshire Geological Conservation Group: Wednesday 21st March 7.30pm Dr Jonathan Larwood (Natural England) – Through the lens of the Geologists’ Association – a journey through the photographic archive of the GA which goes back into the 19th century. St Francis’ Church Hall, Warwick Road, CV8 1HL
- Warwickshire Local History Society: Tuesday 20th March 7.30 pm preceded by coffee at 7.00 pm. AGM followed by: Dr Elizabeth Goldring – Robert Dudley, Queen Elizabeth I and Kenilworth Quaker Meeting House, High Street, Warwick, CV34 4AX
- CADAS: Tuesday 14th March 7.30pm Professor Mark Jobling (Leicester) – Genetic approaches to the History of the British Isles
Friends Meeting House, Hill Street, Coventry - Lapworth Local History Group: Tuesday 27th March 7.45pm John Mayell – Past, Present & Future of the Gloucester and Warwickshire Railway
Lapworth Village Hall, Old Warwick Road (Kingswood), Lapworth B94 6LD. (This is halfway between the Navigation Inn and the Boot
Inn for anyone who might get lost looking) - Leek Wootton Sports Club: Wednesday 18th April 7.30pm Graham Gould – Lost and Forgotten Kenilworth, a photographic collection Tickets £10 (proceeds go to a fund to provide disabled facilities at the Club)
- Leamington History Group: Monday 26th February 7.30pm Allan Jennings—What Happened in Leamington in World War Two Dormer Conference Centre (next to St Peter’s Church in Dormer Place)
Contacts: Chairman – 01676 532654; Secretary – 01926 858670; Treasurer – 01926 852655; Newsletter Editor: 01926-257250