
March 2020 Newsletter


Last Month’s Meeting:   Apart from the AGM, thanks to KHAS member David Morse, we also heard a very fascinating – and personal – account of the role of the Civil Defence organisations in caring for St Paul’s, London, during WW2.

St Paul’s in the Blitz

As you are all aware we no longer have a Secretary and your Committee really need to recruit someone as soon as possible.  In the meantime we also need someone who would be willing to take on the task of Minute Secretary which involves taking, distributing and holding signed copies of the minutes of our quarterly Committee meetings and AGM.

If you are able to help, please contact Chairman Jan as soon as possible.

Tonight’s Meeting :  Stephen Spinks will speak on ‘Robert the Bruce’. He remarked in advance that ‘Robert the Bruce is a man of both history and legend. In his lifetime he secured Scottish independence in the face of English imperial aggression under the successive leadership of Edward I and Edward II. He was the victor of Bannockburn and is celebrated as a champion of the Scottish nation. Yet Robert’s colourful life is far from straightforward’.

Next Month’s Meeting will be on Monday 6th April, NOT 13th as this is Easter Monday

Summer Excursions:  Signing up sheets will be available at our April meeting for two ‘Members’ only’ summer outings, both of which are evening events:

  • Monday 13th July:  To the Lord Leycester Hospital in Warwick for a talk and guided tour – £8.50 per person
  • Monday 10th August : To Arbury Hall for guided tour – £11.00 pp

Payment will be required on signing up.

Barn Helpers Needed Please!  From Easter Sunday 12th April, volunteers are urgently needed to welcome visitors and, if they have queries, to point them in the right direction.  Please talk to Margaret Kane 01926-864624 or or Mike Formstone this evening.


  • Kenilworth Family History Society:  Wednesday 11th March.  Members’ evening and Family History workshop. 7.45pm. The Kenilworth Centre CV8 1QJ. 
  • Warwickshire Geological Conservation Group: Wednesday 18th March.  7pm for 7.30pm.  Prof. Ian Fairchild (Birmingham): Geological Time and the Anthropocene.  St Francis Church Hall, Warwick Rd.     Details: Ian Fenwick (257250)
  • Warwickshire Local History Society:  Tuesday 17th March, 7.00 for 7.30pm.  Prof. Christopher Dyer (University of Leicester): Immigrants in Warwickshire: a mobile population 1200 – 1525.  Aylesford School, Tapping Way, Warwick CV34 6XR.  For more details e-mail or call 07507-293669
  • CADAS: ​ Tuesday 10th March. 7.30pm. Dr John Hunt (Birmingham): Anglo-Saxon Kingdom of Mercia. Friends Meeting House, Hill St., Coventry.
  • Lapworth Local History Group: Tues. 31st March. 7.45pm. Carolyn Ewing (Warwick CRO): Life in the Mad House: Warwick County Lunatic Asylum. Lapworth Village Hall.
  • Leamington History Group: Monday, 23rd \March 7.30pm. Allan Jennings: A walk down memory lane to the shops of Leamington. Dormer Conference Centre, Dormer Place.

KHAS is a member of the Warwickshire Local History Society and therefore our members are automatically members of WLHS.  Details of WLHS talks and outings are given above each month & published on their website at

Contacts: Chairman – 01676-532654; Treasurer – 01926-852655; N Website

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