Last Month’s Talk: Graham Sutherland gave us an entertaining talk on some of the darker goings-on in Mediaeval (& later) Warwick.
Tonight’s Meeting is the AGM: The AGM will be followed by a talk by KHAS member David Morse, entitled ‘St. Paul’s Watch – Defence and Defiance during WW2’.

Annual subscriptions are also now due – £10 single or £15 joint membership. Anthony Manning (Treasurer) will be pleased to receive subscriptions at the meeting. If you intend to pay by cheque, please make your cheque payable to “Kenilworth History and Archaeology Society” (in full). In return, your complimentary copy of Kenilworth History 2020 awaits you!
Many of you will be aware that the work on the interior of the Tantara
Gatehouse commenced last week and will continue until May. Hopefully,
this will waterproof the building and provide a much improved atmosphere for the conservation of the stonework which have, over the years, been
rescued from the site of the Abbey. The work also includes the installation of a mezzanine floor in the north chamber and the provision of an octagonal display unit constructed by local craftsman Andy Jones (of Town & Country Furniture) in the south chamber
- Kenilworth Family History Society: Wednesday 12 February. 7.45pm. The Kenilworth Centre CV8 1QJ. Dr Mike Haynes: Getting Rid of the Stink (the public health revolution)
- Warwickshire Geological Conservation Group: Wednesday 19th February. 7pm for 7.30pm. St Francis Church Hall, Warwick Rd. Dr Roger Suthren (Derby): Geology and Wine in Southern France followed by a wine tasting. Details: Ian Fenwick (257250)
- Warwickshire Local History Society: Tuesday 18th February, 7.00 for 7.30pm. Dr Cathryn Enis (University of Birmingham): The Wigston family network during the reign of Elizabeth 1. For more details e-mail or call 07507-293669
- CADAS: Tuesday 11th February. 7.30pm. Friends Meeting House, Hill St., Coventry. Dr Rob Early: The Archaeology of HS2; also March 10th, Paul Thompson (Assistant Project Officer, MOLA) on Heavy Metal!
- Lapworth Local History Group: Tues. 31st March. 7.45pm. Lapworth Village Hall. Carolyn Ewing (Warwick CRO): Life in the Mad House: Warwick County Lunatic Asylum
- Leamington History Group: Monday, 24th February 7.30pm. Dormer Conference Centre, Dormer Place. Mike Bunn: It’s not all anoraks and numbers! Mike will present the discoveries he made on a trip in 2013
Jan will be pouring forth the gems when she speaks to Stoneleigh History Society at Stoneleigh Village Hall, 7.30pm on Tuesday 25th February. “John of Gaunt – Power & Passion” exploring Gaunt’s very significant building works at Kenilworth Castle, his three marriages and how his children went on to shape the course of English history. Non members welcome – £3 donation.
Contacts: Chairman – 01676-532654; Secretary – 01926-858670; Treasurer – 01926-852655; Newsletter Editor – 01926-257250 Website