What's On?

KHAS Meeting – Monday 14th November

A reminder that our next meeting will be on Monday 14th November at 7.45pm when Paul Thompson will be returning, this time to tell us about a recent major Coventry project “The Drapers’ Hall: An Archaeological Journey“.  You may remember that last time Paul visited us he was dressed in Roman costume ready to celebrate Roman Saturnalia!

KHAS Meeting - Monday 14th November: "The Drapers' Hall, Coventry"
KHAS Meeting – Monday 14th November “The Drapers’ Hall, Coventry”

Looking slightly further ahead, our December meeting will of course be our Members’ only Christmas social evening.  As usual the Society will be providing some wine and soft drinks for the occasion.  If you will be able to contribute any items for our festive supper table I would be most grateful if you could let Margaret, Sue or me know at the end of this month’s meeting

I look forward to seeing you all on the 14th November.

Best wishes


Chair – KHAS