Newsletter June 2019
KHAS Affairs
Last Month: Angie Bolton made a return visit to Kenilworth (20 years on!) to tell us how the Portable Antiquities Scheme has developed during the intervening years. The content of her talk was most interesting and her engaging personality also made it very entertaining.
Tonight: Deirdre O’Sullivan will, hopefully, open our eyes on the various friaries that were founded in Coventry over the mediaeval period.
Summer Excursions: The two excursions, to Kenilworth Castle and to Maxstoke Castle, have both been fully subscribed. There is a waiting list for places on both the Kenilworth Castle (8th July) and the Maxstoke (12th August) visits so, if you have booked a place and subsequently find that you are no longer able to go, please do let the organiser know as soon as possible so that your place may be offered to someone else.
- Next Month: we have our visit to Kenilworth Castle, “A Walk in the Footsteps of Elizabeth I” led by our own Jan Cooper. This year is the 10th anniversary of the opening of the recreated Elizabethan Garden. Access to the castle will be via the Tilt Yard and Mortimer’s Gate (no access from North Gate). Arrive 6.50 pm for prompt 7pm start. Please wear appropriate clothing for whatever the weather on the evening! Contact Jan Cooper.
- Our August Visit: This is a private tour for KHAS led by the owner, Michael Fetherston-Dilke. The tour will last about an hour and a half and comprises the architecture and history of the house from the outside and a tour of the rooms in the house. There is also the opportunity for a trip up the gatehouse, for those who wish. The cost is £14 per person, payable in advance. Although the tour is already full, names can still be added to the waiting list. Please contact Sue Martin
- Kenilworth Family History Society: Wednesday 12th June 7.45pm. The Kenilworth Centre CV8 1QJ. Vanessa Morgan: ‘Kenilworth Rogues and Villains’
- Warwickshire Geological Conservation Group: Saturday 22nd June. Excursion to Bredon Hill, Worcs. Apps describing the geology, developed by Hereford and Worcester Earth Heritage Trust, will be tested. Details: Ian Fenwick (257250)
- Warwickshire Local History Society: Saturday 15th June. Excursion to Shakespeare’s Schoolroom, Stratford. £19 inc. tea. Email or call 07507 293669
- CADAS: Next meeting 10th September
- Lapworth Local History Group: Wed. 3rd July 8.30am to 6pm. Visit to Northampton (78 Derngate, National Leather Collection & Town Hall). Contact via website
- Leamington History Group: Monday, 24 June 7.30pm. Dormer Conference Centre, Dormer Place If you missed her KHAS talk, Sheila Woolf is speaking on ‘Here Come the Girls; from Coombe to Stoneleigh to Wellesbourne’; this talk is ‘Downton’ with a local twist.
Val Millman
Some members may be aware that Val Millman, a long-time member of the Society, died recently. She is to be buried at Sun Rising Natural Burial Ground, Tysoe on Friday 21st June at 12.15pm. Afterwards, there will be a Thanksgiving Service at St Nicholas church at 2.30pm followed by refreshments in the Parochial Hall, High Street. All are welcome.
Contacts: Chairman – 01676-532654; Secretary – 01926-858670; Treasurer – 01926-852655; Newsletter Editor – 01926-257250 Website
[…] month, members lucky enough to have secured a place on the visit to Maxstoke Castle will no doubt have a similarly informative and enjoyable […]