Regular readers and KHAS members will no doubt be aware that KHAS member Mark has been working on a labour of love for some years ago, namely to produce a full 3D computer reconstruction of Kenilworth Castle as it would have appeared in 1575. Today we are pleased to bring you the latest preview video of the model:
It’s fascinating to note that the portraits shown on the walls in this video are actually known to have once hung on the walls as part of Robert Dudley’s collection, based on an inventory conducted in 1588. Mark used the descriptions listed therein to identify and track down several of the surviving portraits and reassemble them together virtually for the first time in centuries. You can read more here:
Mark has also recently added a Guide Tour section onto his website, which adds a wealth of commentary information about each area of the castle in turn:
You can read more about this incredible project, including three academic articles about the castle and the 3D model, on Mark’s website here: