The leaves are finally starting to turn to autumnal shades, so we turn our attention to the next edition of our annual publication, Kenilworth History 2024. As you may know, Kenilworth History is made available for free to all KHAS members and is also available for sale to non-members. Copies are also sent to Kenilworth Library for posterity and to our patron The Lord Kenilworth.
All of the articles in Kenilworth History are penned by volunteers, both by members and non-members alike. As ever, KH2023 was a fascinating mix of styles, subject matters and eras, from academic articles to personal histories.
So, once again, we welcome contributions for Kenilworth History 2024 from contributors with a passion for local history. Do you have a pet subject area you’d like to contribute an article for? If you need some inspiration, take a look at Kenilworth History 2023‘s contents to see the types of subject matter we covered in last year’s edition.
Please contact with any questions or submissions for consideration by the Editor. The deadline for submitting articles is Christmas 2023, ideally earlier, if possible.