Guide Books
Richard Morris was an inveterate collector of guide books, particularly of places of architectural note. Jenny has so many of them that she is offering them to Members of the Society for free. Tonight you will find another batch. We suggest that you take what you want and perhaps make a donation (monies will be shared between the Harry Sunley Memorial Project and Myton Hospice where both Harry and Richard died). Please – the guides must go!
» Last Meeting: Dr Bob Pryce showed us a remarkable collection of mainly Victorian Stereo Photographs of Warwickshire. These proved to be produced very early in the history of photography. It was interesting to see how many of the classic photographs we have of old Kenilworth proved to be one ‘half’ of these double views. Dr Pryce explained the technology of the process too, and the whole evening proved to be very useful.
» Tonight: Dr Sylvia Pinches will give us an account of Maria Home, housekeeper to the Earls of Warwick.
» Next month: May 8th, Matthew Morris will speak on “Revealing Greyfriars: The Search for Leicester’s lost Franciscan Friary” at the usual time of 7.30 for 7.45 at the Senior Citizens’ Club. Subscriptions are now (over)due.
Dates for your diaries: Our July evening ‘walk about’ will take place on Monday 10th July when we will be looking at points of historic interest in the Bridge Street area. More details nearer the time.
Subscriptions are now (over)due.
Our August outing will take place on Saturday 19th August when we will be visiting three very lovely churches – Halford, Tredington and Honington. Directions – meet at Halford Church for at 11am, bring a picnic or visit Halford Bridge Inn for lunch, followed by visit to Tredington and Honnington Churches during the afternoon. Chairman Jan will talk about both Halford and Honnington Churches and donations at each church would of course be much appreciated. At Tredington we will be given a talk/tour by a member of Friends of Tredington Church and Jan will collect a donation of £2 per person for this church before we arrive at Tredington. Parking at all three locations is very very limited so please get together and car share to keep the number of vehicles to a minimum. If you would like to come along a ‘signing up’ list is available this evening. Final details and directions will be sent out to everyone participating nearer the date.
» Kenilworth Family History Society Wednesday, 10 May 2017 The Society welcomes local professional family history researcher Jacqui Kirk, who will tell the story of one of her own forebears, Thomas Lodge, who was a Mayor of London in Elizabethan times. Senior Citizens’ Club, Abbey End, Kenilworth, from 7.30. Nonmembers welcome. Contact 511969.
» Kineton Local History Group: Please see website
» Warwickshire Local History Society: Saturday 13 May 2017 Bidford-on-Avon: a visit led by Prof. Chris Dyer; on the lines of his recent Warwickshire History article, he will explore its mediaeval attempts to develop into a town. Dr Nat Alcock will also comment on vernacular buildings like the Old Falcon, and we will be joined by members of the Bidford and District LHS. Start at 8.00pm, preceded by coffee at 7.30pm, in The Friends’ Meeting House, 39 High Street, Warwick, CV34 4AX
» CADAS: Last meeting before the autumn is the AGM which is for members only
» Warwickshire Geological Conservation Group: The next evening lecture held by Warwickshire Geological Conservation Group will be on Wednesday 18th April when Dr Phil Wilby from the British Geological Survey will be talking about the Charnian fossils. We will meet as usual at 7pm for coffee and a 7,30pm start at St Francis’ Church Hall, Warwick Road, Kenilworth. His abstract is printed here:
Life first appeared on Earth at least 3,800 million years ago but, for the great majority of this time, it was dominated by simple microbes. Large, complex organisms only appear at around 580 million years ago, but their position(s) in the tree of life and the trigger for their sudden appearance remain mysterious. Charnwood Forest, near Leicester, hosts the very earliest examples of these enigmatic organisms, and is at the forefront of research into understanding what they were, how they made their living, and how they helped pave the way for the modern world. The fossils form part of diverse communities, killed en masse and buried beneath submarine landslides of volcanic ash. Almost invisible in daylight, their exquisite detail can only easily be studied using laser scanning or silicone rubber moulding techniques. A programme of conservation and long-term monitoring is underway to protect these globally important fossils, including the effects of pollution and lichen-attack.
24th May Outing to Kenilworth Cutting/Finham Gorge. See Website
Contacts: Chairman – 01676 532654; Secretary – 01926 858670; Treasurer – 01926 852655; Vice Chairman – 01926 858090 Website