
October 2018 Newsletter

KHAS Affairs

I’m delighted to announce that your Committee has decided to confer Honorary Membership of the Society on Norman Stevens in appreciation of the wide-ranging and considerable contribution he has made to the Society over many years – and continues to make!!
Jan Cooper (Chair)

Last month: Dr Gillian White gave us a fascinating and entertaining accountof the rather ‘interesting’ life of the 1st Duke of Devonshire and his wonderfulcreation, the ‘new’ Chatsworth House.

This evening: we turn our attentions to something we have rarely touched on in our programming. Lt Col. (ret’d) John Rice will speak on a very local military topic, The History of the Royal Warwickshire Regiment. It is now exactly 50 years since the regiment finally lost its identity along with many of the historic regiments of the British Army.

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The Royal Warwickshire Regiment

How about writing up something of interest for Kenilworth History? Chris Blunt has taken over the unenviable task of assembling the material for our annual publication, Kenilworth History. He would dearly love to hear from you if you have a little snippet that might be suitable for next year’s issue.Think what has made you stop and think and offer to write a few words on it for Chris. He would be delighted!!

Fancy adding a bit of archaeology or history to your holiday plans?

When there’s space we plan to bring forward possible destinations that might excite the interest of our members. To start with, two sites which our Editor enjoyed this summer.

  • The Templars territory in the south of France between Millau and Roquefort – beautiful fortified towns with a history of turmoil in the early Mediaeval Period
  • Britain’s answer to Pompeii – Vindolanda, near Hexham; ongoing excavations and a stunning museum.


  • Kenilworth Family History Society: Wednesday 10th October,7.30pm. Senior Citizens Club, Kenilworth. Nick Booker: 500 Years of Innovation: The story of Mail Rail.
  • Warwickshire Geological Conservation Group: Wednesday 21st November,7.30pm. St Francis Church Hall, Warwick Rd. Dr Andrew Bloodworth (British Geol. Survey), What’s in your mobile phone (the minerals that make it ring)
  • Warwickshire Local History Society: Tuesday 16th October, 8pm. Quaker Meeting House, High St., Warwick. Dr John Wilmot: Dr John Connolly (1794-1866) in Warwickshire: physician, reformer and enigma
  • CADAS: Tuesday 9th October , 7.30pm. Friends Meeting House,Hill Street, Coventry. Mathew Morris (University of Leicester Archaeological Services): Castle Hill, Leicester – In Search of the Knights Hospitaller.
  • Lapworth Local History Group: Tuesday 22nd Oct.. 7.45pm. AGM and Mark Kershaw speaks on The History of the Proms
  • Leamington History Group: Monday 22nd Oct., 7.30pm. Dormer Conference Centre (next to St Peter’s, Dormer Place).Helen and Paul Eldridge: She couldn’t have loved more: The story of Doreen Wright’s Diary, May 1940-December 1942.

Contacts: Chairman – 01676-532654; Secretary – 01926-858670; Treasurer – 01926-852655; Newsletter Editor – 01926-257250 Website

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